Event Planning Career Tips Series

Marketing Your Event Planning Business
...Even in a Tough Market
E-book: Marketing Your Event Planning Business (PDF - 34 Pages) US$79.95
Bonus: Promoting Public Conferences and Workshops
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When it comes to marketing your business in a rapidly changing work environment, conventional marketing wisdom often doesn't work. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time that I said "But it was supposed to work". I would be a VERY rich woman.
One of the realities of promoting your business in a turbulent marketplace is CHANGE. There are no guarantees and no foolproof strategies. In fact, to be successful, it is essential to spot trends and re-chart your course quickly.
In this e-book, I share some of the lessons that I have learned in the school of hard knocks after running The Training Oasis, Inc. for over 20 years. I hope that this will save you some false starts and prevent you from going down some of the blind alleys that I did.
It will be updated regularly in view of a dynamic market and rapidly changing business environment.
It was Supposed to Work
Over 20 years ago, a few years before I started my own businesses, I did what any self-respecting professional would do. I went to professional association meetings and I consulted "experts".
Here is the gist of the advice that I received about how to market and grow my business.
- speak for free to build awareness of your business
- get actively involved in professional associations for event planners
- give your content away for free
- engage with other event planners on social media
All of these strategies were supposed to work based on the advice that "experts" had provided. When SARS related downturns hit Asia and Toronto, I did an analysis and took stock.The results were shocking. Hardly any business was coming from those sources. I added up the price tag, it came to a staggering $25,000. I was bleeding money. Ouch!! What did I get in return?
Clearly I learned nothing. When social media came along, it was touted as the holy grail. So, I jumped on-board and virutally abandoned traditional marketing. I paid dearly for it.
If you are frustrated after trying similar strategies, in this e-book, I will share where my business has actually come from and the tough lessons I've learned in the school of hard knocks. I will share the strategies that worked and those that turned out to be ineffective, despite the hype. A similar analysis will save you years of investing time and money and spinning your wheels with startegies that don't pay off.
- Busting B2B Marketing Myth
- Revealing B2B Marketing Success Secrets
- The 2 most effective (and by the way least expensive) strategies for marketing your event planning business
- The best tools for staying in touch with your network. insert
- Lead Generation Strategies That are Likely to Pay Off
- Internet Marketing Then and Now
- Internet Marketing Basics Strategies for Staying in Touch with Your Network
- Strategies for Staying in Touch with Your Network The Role of Conventional Marketing Wisdom and Expert Advice
- Strategies to use Sparingly....if at All
- Don't Bother Wasting Your Time
- Why giving free speeches at event planning conferences and meetings rarely works as a marketing strategy
- The Only Time it Makes Sense to Speak for Free as a Marketing Strategy
- Why you should NEVER waste money on a printed brochure
- The REAL DEAL on event planning association memberships - why they probably aren't the best value for independent event and meeting planners interested in marketing their business
- Why advertising in online or paper based training directories is not a good investment
- Why you should never believe the hype about B2B Social Media Marketing and blogging for lead generation and business development (it doesn't work)
- The most effective way to use social media
- A spreadsheet to help you analyze your customer base and fine-tune your strategy
- ...and lots more
Important: What Happens after You Place Your Order
If you want to discuss this article or you have any questions, please reach out to us by e-mail or on Twitter @trainingoasis, LinkedIn, or Facebook
Browse the titles in the "pay per view" archives for our Spice of the Month Accelerated Ezine, They're filled with hundreds of tips, tools, and strategies that you can use immediately to improve the effectiveness of conferences and meetings with educational content.
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- Post questions on LinkedIn or Twitter and tag me.
- Take advantage of my consulting and coaching services.