How to Become a Corporate Trainer - Breaking into Training

Breaking into Training and Development
....Even in a Tough Economy
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One of the questions that we get asked most frequently is "How do I become a trainer?" It's understandable. Training and development can be a fulfilling career. It is not without its challenges and with layoffs, cutbacks in training departments and downturn in business for many consulting firms, this is a tough time to be breaking into training. Don't let that discourage you.
When Anne Thornley-Brown, our President and founder, first tried to become a full time trainer in the business world it was during the 1984 - 85 recession. It wasn't easy but by 1989, she did it.
Despite the odds, she made the tough transition from a career in the non-profit sector to training. Her career path unfolded from professional counsellor to management training specialist to founder and president of an international consulting firm serving clients in from 18 countries in Canada, the USA, the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. So, while it's tough, it can be done.
Anne has coached and mentored other professionals to break into training and, eventually, launch their own businesses.
"Anne Thornley-Brown is an excellent mentor who taught me years ago how the training profession operated. With her as my coach, I progressed from being a telephone customer service rep to being a full time trainer in less than a year. A few years after that, I was promoted to Manager of Call Centre Training at one of the largest telecom companies in Canada."
Mike Aoki, President, Reflective Keynotes Inc.
In this special issue from the "Spice of the Month" Career Series, Anne will you how you can break into training even in a tough economy.
She leaves out the usual platitudes, the strategies that are supposed to work but bear little resemblance to the challenging reality.
She'll guide you through a proven, step by step approach as well as give you access to the resources that will supercharge your career transition.
I came to Anne's workshop with the intention to build a career transition plan to move into the multimedia industry. Her workshop allowed me to do just that. It was upbeat, very informative and well organized with excellent in class and post workshop materials. I was hired as an Account Manager at a Multimedia firm in the city. I've gone on to produce and manage many projects for interactive programmes for a variety of companies. This career move has provided me with immense satisfaction and furnished a new sense of professional confidence.
Karen Robbins, Former Account Manager, McGill Multimedia
Anne will reveal her career transition secrets including:
- How she made the transition from social worker to management development specialist to international consultant.
- Why resumes don't work.
- Why applying for jobs on-line is a bad idea.
- What to do instead of sending in resumes and applying on-line.
- Proven strategies for standing out from other applicants.
- How to tap into the "hidden job market.
- The jobs that are most likely to help you break into training.
- The skills you need and where and how to hone them
- How to gain experience.
- How to expand your off-line and on-line network.
- How to identify companies and decision makers who are in a position to hire you.
Instead of spinning your wheels and wasting YEARS in trail and error, order today, and pick up tips and strategies that you can use immediately to launch the training and development career of your dreams.
Price: US$49.95